COVID-19 Guidelines Updated February 2022
We are doing our part to keep you, our Guests, and our Salon Whimz Team safe and healthy!
- Please call to reschedule your appointment if:
- you have had a fever in the last 24 hours of 100*F or above
- Have now or have had within the last 14 days any cold or flu-like symptoms, sore throat or shortness of breath
- Have been in contact with anyone within the last 14 days that has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or who has had any cold/flu-like symptoms
- We respect your privacy and expect your honesty
- Walk-In appointments not accepted. Reservation only for all services. Only Guests with appointments may enter the salon or Guests that need to purchase or pickup product.
- Please note that there is One Entrance (suite #7) and One Exit (suite #8) for use by Guests.
- Once inside the salon please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
- Our waiting room is NOW available! Please have a seat after check-in!
- All magazines and Service Menus are available again!
- MASKS ARE NOT REQUIRED for Guests and Team Members! (as of February 28, 2022)
- Please do not bring additional people with you to your appointment. We are maintaining a lower capacity by choice. An exception will be made for accompanying a minor or a person with limited physical abilities.
- Makeup Testers require assistance by a Team Member.
- All Salon Whimz Technicians and Service Desk Team Members are Barbicide Certified for the proper disinfecting of surfaces, tools and all salon equipment used as encouraged by the Professional Beauty Industry.
- In keeping costs to a minimum, we ask that all Gratuities be a cash gift to your service provider. Thank you!